Student Corner
Ragging is strictly banned in RAJADHANI INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. If anybody found indulged in such kind of activities, strict action will be taken irrespective of the extent. Ragging is banned by the Supreme Court of India. In order to prevent such kind of activity in campus, an anti-ragging committee and an anti ragging squad has been formed and brought into operation even before the start of 1st year classes by the Director/ Principal.

Possible punishments for those found guilty of ragging at the institution shall be any one or any combination of the following:
- Cancellation of admission
- Suspension from attending classes
- Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits
- Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process
- Withholding results
- Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
- Suspension/expulsion from the hostel
- Rustication from the institution for period ranging from 1 to 4 semesters
- Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution.
- Collective punishment: when the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure community pressure on the potential ragger.
Contact Details of Antiragging Committee
Anti-Ragging Affidavit
The following Anti – Ragging Committee was constituted as per UGC letter No. F-1-16/2007 dtd 17.6.2009
Dr. Maruthu Kannan B, Principal

Each class is split into groups of 10-12 students and each group is assigned a mentor. Mentoring hours scheduled every week enable the student to interact with his/her mentor. Irrespective of Mentee allotment, Faculty identify the shortcoming in students and take necessary corrective actions to help them.

Training in the English language and communication skills receives priority in the RIST educational experience. Students are given practical and theoretical training in the language and communication theory throughout the undergraduate programme, which is in addition to the university-prescribed course in communication skills.
Excellent language lab equipped with software to teach many foreign languages with a seating capacity of thirty. ODLL is a world class language laboratory software that is a seamless integration of state-of-the-art information technology techniques with proven language teaching methodologies and power-packed with an array of comprehensive study materials This unique deuce-ace feature of ODLL not only makes teaching to communicate eloquently in a foreign language interactive and effortless but also makes it fun and quick to learn. Feature enables the student to download pre-recorded lessons from the linguist’s computer to theirs. Here the student has the facility of listening, speaking, repeating, comparing and writing (typing) the lessons assigned in the class by the Linguist. The students can log into the linguist’s console by typing in their name and number. Students will be getting the pre-recorded lessons from the Linguist console after logging in. Student can call and communicate with the Linguist from the student console without disturbing others. Student listens to the lessons pre-recorded by experts.