
The Hostel provides accommodations for 140 boys and 140 girl Hostellers seperately. All the rooms are four seated and are furnished with ceiling fan, wardrobe, table, chair, cot, bed and pillow for each Hosteller. The rooms are spacious, airy, and illuminated with the surroundings landscaped with greenery.
Mess & Dining Hall
The Mess is managed by the College or by a contractual agency appointed by the College Management. Mess halls are provided with a seating capacity of 60.
Reading Room
The hostel has a reading room where local and national dailies are subscribed.
Sports & Entertainment
The hostel has a common room where facilities for indoor games like carom board and chess, along with television viewing are provided. Students common rooms have TV set subscribed to satellite TV channels. The college ground is near the hostel for playing cricket, volley ball, foot ball, basket ball and joagging.
Telephone facility is available from 6.00AM to 8.30PM in the Hostel premises where local /STD calls can be received.
House Keeping & Security
The hostel campus maintenance like cleaning /sweeping, pest control is out sourced. The electrical repairs, and security services are round the clock.
Water & Electricity
A generator ensures electric power supply to all rooms, mess and common rooms. The water supply is for 24 hours.
Hostel Rules
1. Hostel Rules
2. Hostel Allotment
2. A Hosteller seeking admission has to apply for the hostel accommodation in a prescribed form available in the Admission Section / Warden. All Hostellers allotted hostel accommodation by the college management is required to deposit their full hostel fees before allocation of a room in the hostel.
3. Senior Hostellers should however, apply for hostel accommodation during registration of odd semester only. They are required to fill up the prescribed application form for re-admission to the hostel, providing appropriate information. The management will be free to fix minimum eligibility criteria for readmission such as marks as well as attendance in the previous years. However, re-admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right and may be denied as a matter of rule.
4. The allotment of room to senior Hostellers would, however, depend upon the availability of rooms after allotment to newly admitted Hostellers.
5. The Hostel accommodation for the Hostellers would be on Academic Year basis subject to renewal based on their academic performance and good conduct in the hostel in particular. However, the Hostel accommodation for 2nd year onwards cannot be guaranteed and would depend upon the availability of the rooms. The duration of the hostel stay will account from the 1st day of the Academic year up to the last day of the Academic year.
6. No Hosteller is allowed to exchange his/her room.
7. For annual repairs and stock keeping, the hostellers are required to vacate their rooms after their annual examination. They are advised to leave only after properly handing over the possession of the rooms, furniture, fixtures etc. back to Asst Warden or to any other officer designated for the purpose. However, they may leave their belongings in the common room, earmark for this purpose at their own risk.
3. General Rules and Discipline Pertaining to the Hostel
2. Hostellers are expected to behave with due regards for the comforts and convenience of other colleagues. They should not speak loudly which is liable to disturb others.
3. Burning of crackers, howling, screaming etc is strictly prohibited.
4. It shall be ensured by all Hostellers that they do not get involved in fighting among themselves, peer or with juniors. In case such incidents are brought to the management, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against defaulters.
5. No hosteller should get involved in any argument/ heated exchanges with the security and supporting staff. In case of any complaint against them, they should register the same in the register kept with Warden for this purpose giving their full details and identity.
6. Gambling, betting, playing of cards etc are not permitted in the hostel.
7. Hostel telephones (coin box) are available to hostellers for making and receiving telephone calls at specified times.
8. Any hostel rooms can be inspected by the authorities at any time.
9. No private party shall be organized by any Hosteller in the hostel.
10. The Management reserves its right to cancel admission of undeserving Hostellers without giving any reason.
11. The Management reserves its right to increase the hostel fee, if necessary.
12. No Hosteller shall use the service of a hostel staff for personal work even on payment.
13. Notwithstanding the above clauses, the decision of the Principal/ Management will be final in all cases.
4. Working Time
2. No Hosteller will be allowed to enter in the hostel after 6.30 P.M. unless he/she is permitted by the authority to do so for specific reasons.
3. Hostellers who are not feeling well/sick should inform to the Resident Warden before 8.30AM on all college working days.
4. Check In and Checkout should be properly entered in the register with the Asst Warden / security personnel.
5. Hostellers will not be entertained in the hostel during college working hours. If there is any necessity, the same should be permitted by Class in charge & HOD and to be informed to the Asst Warden.
5. Holidays
2. If any Hosteller is found missing from the hostel without the permission from the Warden/ Resident Warden, he/she will be severely dealt with disciplinary action with financial penalty to expulsion from the hostel.
6. Study Holidays
2. Permission for going home or to their Local Guardian
3. All Hostellers have to seek Leave from the Warden / Resident Warden for going to their homes or to their local guardian in case of emergency or need.
4. Leave sanctioned for absence from the College does not mean leave from the hostel. Leave from the hostel for one or more days must be got approved from the Hostel Resident Warden.
5. Leave should be personally secured before it is availed of.
6. Hostellers absenting themselves from the hostel without getting the leave sanctioned before hand by the Warden / Resident Warden will be severely dealt with disciplinary action with financial penalty to expulsion from the hostel.
7. Outing
2. The complete list of Hostellers going for outing should be handed over to the Asst Warden and the same should be get approved from Warden / Resident Warden.
3. The Hosteller should be checked-in to the hostel well before the reporting time meant for outing; otherwise disciplinary action will be initiated including cancellation of the next outing.
8. Visitors
2. If there is any visitor, they can meet them at the designated “Visitors Room” near the front gate after taking written permission from the Asst Warden during the visitor’s time.
3. Only parents / brother(s) / sister (s) or local guardian mentioned at the time of admission will be allowed as visitors.
4. If the visitor(s) wish to handover any gifts / items to the Hosteller, it should be handed over to the Hosteller only through the security personnel at the main gate.
5. Only the concerned Hosteller called by the visitors will be allowed to meet the visitors.
9. Night Roll Call
2. A Hosteller absent at the time of roll call is liable to a fine to be fixed by the Warden / Resident Warden.
3. After roll-call no Hosteller is allowed to leave the hostel but if an emergency arises, he/she must inform the Resident Warden of his/her block who in turn will inform the Warden.
10. Mess / Dining
2. Hostellers will not be entertained in the mess hall other than the specified mess timings.
3. Food is not allowed to be taken out of the dining hall.
4. The Hostellers are advised that they take only the required amount of food to avoid wastage.
5. Hostellers must clean the plate/glass themselves after the food and place the same in respective places.
6. Meals are prepared as per the menu decided by the Management. No change will be permitted unless decided by the Authorities.
7. All Hostellers should be courteous to the mess staff.
8. If a Hosteller does not want to take breakfast, lunch, dinner in the hostel he shall have to inform the same to the Asst Warden.
11. Recreation / Reading Room
2. All the items (News papers/Magazines/Caroms board/ Chess) should be used carefully and placed back in the respective places.
3. Hostellers are not allowed to play any kind of sports in the room.