Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Established as one of the major departments of the Institute, since its inception. The Department of Electrical Engineering is actively engaged in teaching and research. With an annual intake of 60 students the department offers one under graduate programme in electrical engineering. With a view to attracting excellent students in UG programmes, the College has established a number of scholarships. The faculty members of the department are committed in facilitating the best education and training for the students.
To create globally competent engineers with an attitude for research, service to the society & capable of making significant contributions for sustainable development.
M1. Empower students to generate world-class engineers to meet challenges in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering through innovations and pursuit of new knowledge and make them ethically sound and professionally competent to provide service to the society & to solve engineering problems
M2. Prepare students to be valuable professionals through research initiatives and industry interactions.
M3. Develop students into responsible citizens through ethical conduct, empathy towards the less privileged and value based community initiatives.
(4 Years/ 8 Sem)
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
60 Seats
Electrical & Electronics Engineering laboratories:
- Electrical Workshop
- Electrical Measurements Lab
- Electrical machines Lab
- Power Electronics lab
- Advanced Electrical Engineering Lab
- Power system Simulation lab
The department provides an ideal blend of youthful enthusiasm and core professional experience for budding electrical engineering aspirant. The Department strives to provide a blend of fundamental core knowledge along with cutting edge developments to create an Electrical Engineer who can cope with the requirements of the Industry and also handle the demands of higher studies. Electrical Engineering is a core engineering branch which has spawned the other related areas like Electronics, Instrumentation and computer science. Therefore an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronics engineering will provide the student with many avenues for employment or higher education. Industry is rapidly moving into an era of automation and the world is shifting focus towards renewable energy. The area of automation requires hardware with Electric Machines, Power Electronic Converters, Control system components like embedded controllers and PLCs. Our department consists of various laboratories equipped with new technological set ups giving scope to all students having hands on experience individually which will increase their confidence to face the real time scenarios in the field of electrical engineering.
Apart from regular curriculum the department strives to develop additional skills through add on courses in upcoming areas and software applications. Industrial visits and internships are promoted to improve the practical knowledge of the students and to build collaboration to the outside world. We are committed not only to pursue academic excellence, but also to motivate students to be lifelong learners and critical thinkers.
The Electrical Department of RIST is well equipped with laboratories for learning, testing and measurement facilities. The department consists of mainly six laboratories listed below under the guidance of well experienced teachers.


Maya J

Archana P