Cyber Security

Cyber Security
A robot has four parts; the electrical, the mechanical, the hardware, and the software. These parts, originally, may seem different. However, as an Automated Robotics Engineer, you will regularly need to make use of all engineering fields when working. Still, the software aspect serves as the glue that holds others together.
- Systems Programming Lab
- Computer Graphics Lab
- Computer Networks and OS Lab
- Data Structures and Algorithms Lab
- Advanced Software Development Lab (RDBMS)
- Programming Lab (C, C++, JAVA)
Here are some basic tasks:
Designing: As an Automation and Robotics Engineer, you will design plans that serve as guides in manufacturing robots and machines. You will design vital mechanisms that make robots run smoothly. For instance, you are responsible for creating software systems controls that are used in manufacturing. Equally, you will design robotic systems that are used to increase production and precision levels in some industries.
Building: A second common responsibility is assembling the machines. However, you may have to do this where there is no separate assembling unit available. It is where you will watch your designs and constructions come to life.
Testing: After assembling, your machine moves to the testing stage. And on many occasions, you will lead the entire process. You will test them to verify that they are safe and able to perform the tasks you designed them for.