Computer Science Engineering

Computer Science Engineering
Computer science (Computing Engineering) is the study of the theoretical foundations of information, computation, their implementation, application in computer systems. Computer science has many sub-fields; some emphasize the computation of specific results (such as computer graphics),while others relate to properties of computational problems (such as computational complexity theory). Still others focus on the challenges in implementing computations. For example, programming language theory studies approaches to describing computations, while computer programming applies specific programming languages to solve specific computational problems. A further subfield, human-computer interaction, focuses on the challenges in making computers and computations useful, usable and universally accessible to people. Computer era was started in early 1950s.
The department of Computer science Engineering is established in the year 2011. Computer science Engineering Department has a team of well qualified teachers and technical staff who always stride for imparting quality technical education in under graduate program. Full-fledged labs supplemented with modern machines make this course useful for students aspiring to excel in Computer science engineering.
- To impart technical education through a robust platform that provides problem solving skills, leadership quality, and team spirit.
- Provide industry exposure and interaction program with latest tools for enhancing technological development skill the world.
- Promote research based projects and co-curriculum activities for the students expose the world.
- To prepare professionals with high technical, research and entrepreneurial skills as well as ethical values who will contribute to the computational world.
- To be recognized as a Center of Excellence for knowledge dissemination, technological developments and research opportunities.
- Impart ethics, social responsibilities and necessary professional, entrepreneurial and leadership skills through student lead activities
(4 Years/ 8 Sem)
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
60 Seats
CSE Lab:
- Main Computer Centre
- Data Structure Lab
- Network Lab
- Hardware Lab
- N-computing Lab
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was started in the year 2011 with intake of 60 under Ammini College of Engineering. The Computer Science and Engineering department aims at nurturing a conducive upbringing for erudition and research by use of appropriate computing technologies in its everyday activities.The department mainly equips its students with undergraduate & postgraduate level expertise and appropriate skills in the field of computer science. Students at CSE are nurtured to become best software professionals or Entrepreneurs in their own innovative way. The prime objective of the department endeavors is to produce confident professionals tuned to real time working environment. The department offers excellent academic environment with a team of highly qualified faculty members to inspire the students to develop their technical skills and inculcate the spirit of team work in them.
The eagerness of the students to learn makes it easier for the department of computer science and engineering to produce top-notch engineers. The department conducts industrial visits and Association activities at regular intervals. In Department of Computer Science and Engineering you will find teachers who are very matured & experienced The department is equipped with well qualified and experienced teaching staff and supporting staff, computing lab with 200 workstations and two servers with all the required software and peripherals as per APJ Abdul Kalam University syllabus.
Wish you Good Luck and All the Best!

Staff Details

Arya G Roy


Anupama M L


System Administrator
Qualification: -ECS , CNA CSE, MCSE, DCA
Experience: 10 Years